Glossary of Terms

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  • PACA
    An enforceable, voluntary agreement for continuing contact or communication following an adoption between an adoptive parent, a child, a birth parent and/or a birth relative of the child, if all parties agree and the voluntary agreement is approved by the court.  The agreement must be signed and approved by the court to be legally binding.
  • Permanent Legal Custodianship
    A permanency plan option for a child who is in the custody of the county agency and placed in substitute care. PLC is a recognized permanency goal. Once custody of a child is awarded to a permanent legal custodian, the child is considered to have achieved permanency.
  • Placement
    The physical relocation of a child into a foster or prospective adoptive living situation with a new family. Placement can occur without termination of parental rights; finalized adoption cannot.
  • PLC
    A permanency plan option for a child who is in the custody of the county agency and placed in substitute care. PLC is a recognized permanency goal. Once custody of a child is awarded to a permanent legal custodian, the child is considered to have achieved permanency.
  • Post Adoption Contact Agreement
    An enforceable, voluntary agreement for continuing contact or communication following an adoption between an adoptive parent, a child, a birth parent and/or a birth relative of the child, if all parties agree and the voluntary agreement is approved by the court.  The agreement must be signed and approved by the court to be legally binding.
  • Post-permanency
    These services are available to any family who has adopted and lives in Pennsylvania, whether or not they adopted their child from foster care, and to those families who have provided permanency to children from the foster care system through permanent legal custodianship or formal kinship care. Families self-refer by calling the SWAN Helpline (800-585-SWAN) to request these services. The services are part of a continuum of services that strengthen and support families and assist in strengthening the special needs adoption community at the local level.
  • Post-permanency Advocacy
    A service that assures families receive or get connected to appropriate resources and services; it includes an initial assessment for all families who are receiving services.