Glossary of Terms

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  • ICPC
    A uniform law enacted by every state, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands that governs the movement of children in and out of a state for adoption, foster care, relative placement or residential delinquent placement. It also ensures that the placement is not “contrary to the interests of the child” and that applicable laws and policies were followed before the placement is approved by the ICPC offices. The ICPC also provides the “sending agency” with the opportunity to obtain supervision and regular reports on the child’s adjustment and progress in the placement.
  • ICWA
    ICWA applies when an Indian child is involved in child custody proceeding.  The act states that this law “is the policy of this nation to protect the best interest of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families by the establishment of minimum federal standards for the removal of Indian children from their families and the placement of such children in foster or adoptive home which will reflect the unique values of Indian culture, and by providing for assistance to Indian tribes in the operation of child and family service programs.  Indian Child Welfare Act of 1970
  • Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978
    ICWA applies when an Indian child is involved in child custody proceeding.  The act states that this law “is the policy of this nation to protect the best interest of Indian children and to promote the stability and security of Indian tribes and families by the establishment of minimum federal standards for the removal of Indian children from their families and the placement of such children in foster or adoptive home which will reflect the unique values of Indian culture, and by providing for assistance to Indian tribes in the operation of child and family service programs.  Indian Child Welfare Act of 1970
  • Informal Kinship Care
    Situations in which arrangements are made by the parent to place their child with a kinship caregiver.
  • Intermediary
    The intermediary is the person or agency responsible for arranging the meeting of a child and adoptive family.
  • Intermediary Report
    Required document prepared by the agency worker in adoption finalization that informs the court of the identity of the intermediary, the intermediary’s role in the placement, facts about the child’s parents and adoptive parents and the child’s placement history.
  • Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
    A uniform law enacted by every state, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands that governs the movement of children in and out of a state for adoption, foster care, relative placement or residential delinquent placement. It also ensures that the placement is not “contrary to the interests of the child” and that applicable laws and policies were followed before the placement is approved by the ICPC offices. The ICPC also provides the “sending agency” with the opportunity to obtain supervision and regular reports on the child’s adjustment and progress in the placement.