Glossary of Terms

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  • p

  • PTA
    Provides technical assistance to affiliates through unit of service reviews, training and action plans when necessary.
  • r

  • RTA
    Provides technical assistance to affiliates and county children and youth agencies through quarterly site visits, referral monitoring and assessment of training needs and problem resolution when necessary.
  • s

  • Supervision
    The period after a child is placed with a family and before the adoption is finalized. During this period, the supervisory agency maintains regular contact with the child and family to provide supportive services, report on the progress of the adoption and eventually to recommend whether the adoption should be finalized.
  • SWAN Program Technical Assistant
    Provides technical assistance to affiliates through unit of service reviews, training and action plans when necessary.
  • SWAN Regional Technical Assistant
    Provides technical assistance to affiliates and county children and youth agencies through quarterly site visits, referral monitoring and assessment of training needs and problem resolution when necessary.
  • t

  • Teaming
    The identification and formation of a working group that shares a common “big picture” understanding and long-term view of the child/youth and family. Members of the team have sufficient knowledge, skills and cultural awareness to work effectively with the child and family.
  • Termination of Parental Rights
    A process by which all legal rights and responsibilities of a parent for a child are severed. This can be voluntary or involuntary if the court determines that to be in the best interest of the child.
  • TPR
    A process by which all legal rights and responsibilities of a parent for a child are severed. This can be voluntary or involuntary if the court determines that to be in the best interest of the child.