OverviewAmending Titles 23 (Domestic Relations) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in child custody, further providing for factors to consider when awarding custody; abuse and involvement with child protective services; in child protective services providing for consideration of child, further providing for release of information in confidential reports and for county agency requirements for general protective services; and, in juvenile matters, further providing for inspection of court files and records and for law enforcement records.
OverviewThe purpose of this bulletin is to transmit requirements and guidance related to legislative changes to Pennsylvania’s Child Custody Act, specifically Act 107 of 2013. This legislation amended Title 23, Pa. C.S. (Domestic Relations), Chapter 53 (Child Custody) (otherwise known as the Child Custody Act) and Chapter 63 (Child Protective Services) (otherwise known as the Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) along with Title 4 Pa. C.S. (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure), Chapter 63 (Juvenile Matters) (otherwise known as the Juvenile Act). Act 107 requires courts to determine if a child is the victim of a crime which would constitute child abuse as defined in the CPSL.